Suggest Software

Key to download table:
The "external link (http://...)" will take you to a web site on the World Wide Web. This site is not found anywhere on the CD-ROM itself. For most of the software found on this page, there will be two versions: one for the Mac, one for Windows. In some cases, there will be two versions for the Mac: "Mac Version 68k" and "Mac Version PPC". In these instances, "PPC" refers to PowerMacs and "68k" refers to all other Macs.
external link (http://...)
Mac Version 68k Mac Version PPC Windows Version

Macintosh Essentials
PPP (point-to-point protocol) Macintosh utility for connecting to dial-up Internet accounts. This is a freeware, Macintosh only utility. Dial-up Networking, the Windows equivalent to FreePPP, comes with Windows machines.
Macintosh Version No Windows Version
NCSA Telnet
NCSA Telnet was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois and is a cross-platform telnet client that provides the user with an interactive access from his/her computer to telnet hosts on TCP/IP networks. The user can have simultaneous connections to numerous computers across the network. NCSA Telnet is recommended for Macintosh computers as a telnet client program. Windows 95 and NT machines come with a built in telnet program.
Macintosh Version No Windows Version



Netscape Communicator 4.7
A web suite produced by Netscape Communications Corporation that includes a browser (Navigator), e-mail (Messenger), access to news groups, as well as other functions. If you chose to install a browser at the beginning of this CD-ROM, you already installed Communicator 4.7. If you did not install Netscape Communicator earlier, you may do so at this time.

PC Users: Choose "Install" from the graphical menu that appears when you insert this CD-ROM.

Macintosh Users: Put CD into CD-ROM drive. Double click "start," then select "instal."

Macintosh Version Windows Version
Internet Explorer 5
A web browser produced by Microsoft Corporation. Due to space restraints on this CD-ROM, you will need to connect to the Internet and download Internet Explorer from the following address:



Acrobat Reader by Adobe

Acrobat Reader 4 lets you view, navigate, and print Portable Document Format (PDF) files in your web browser window. PDF files are extremely compact, platform-independent, and easy to create. They offer control over the design, print-ready documents, and many authoring applications. This plug-in is cross-platform.
Macintosh Version Windows Version
Apple QuickTime 4 Plug-in by Apple Computer, Inc.
The Apple QuickTime plug-in lets you experience QuickTime animation, music, MIDI, audio, video, and VR panoramas and objects directly in your web browser window. The Apple QuickTime Plug-in's "fast-start" feature allows you to experience QuickTime content while it's downloading. It works seamlessly within firewall environments and requires no special server software. This plug-in is cross-platform.
Macintosh Version Windows Version
Chime by MDL Information Systems, Inc.
The Chime plug-in displays 2D and 3D molecules directly within a web page and works with both Netscape and Microsoft Browsers on Windows and Macintosh. The molecules in the web page are "live," meaning they are not just pictures, but chemical structures that can be rotated, reformatted, and saved in various file formats for use in modeling or database software.$uid&key=$key&id=1
Macintosh Version Windows Version
RealPlayer Basic by RealNetworks
RealPlayer provides live and on-demand real-time RealAudio and RealVideo streaming content on the Web. It allows the user to experience RealAudio broadcast-quality stereo, AM-quality, or near-CD-quality audio depending upon modem speed and connection type. RealVideo delivers newscast-quality video or full-motion quality depending upon modem speed and connection type. A powerful plug-in is also included that lets Web authors easily customize and deliver exciting multi-media from their sites. This plug-in is cross-platform.
Macintosh Version Windows Version
Shockwave by Macromedia
Shockwave is the industry standard for delivering and experiencing quality interactive multimedia, graphics, and streaming audio on the World Wide Web. Companies like CNN, Capitol Records, Warner Brothers Records, Sony, Paramount, and Virgin utilize Shockwave as an integral part of their Web sites. You can experience streaming high-resolution images and vector graphics that allow you to zoom and pan up to 25,000% without losing any image quality. You can also experience exciting and dynamic interactive animations that can include streaming audio from hi-fi to CD quality. This plug-in is cross-platform.
Macintosh Version Windows Version



RealPage by CatchWord
"RealPage" is a product necessary to read certain electonic journals to which the library will be subscribing starting in 1999. PC users can save the file onto their computer and then run it. Mac users must navigate to the website listed below for information.
No Macintosh Version Windows
PowerPoint Viewer by Microsoft
For Windows users, PowerPoint Viewer allows the user to open presentations created with PowerPoint for Windows version 2.0 or later, and PowerPoint for Macintosh version 3.0 or later. For Macintosh users, PowerPoint Viewer allows the user to view presentations created in PowerPoint for the Macintosh versions 2.0 through 4.0 and PowerPoint for Windows versions 3.0 and 4.0. This plug-in is cross-platform.
Macintosh Version Windows Version
Word Viewer by Microsoft
The Microsoft Word Viewer 97 allows people to view documents created with Microsoft Word. There is no Macintosh version at this time.
No Macintosh Version Windows


Internet Extras

Anti-Virus Programs:
An anti-virus program provides a layer of security to protect the user's computer from a computer virus. A computer virus is a malicious program that causes damage to the user's files on his/her computer by replicating itself on the user's computer system. A virus incorporates itself into other programs that are then shared among computer systems.

Because this program is not available as a freeware or a shareware, it is best if you investigate the best Anti-Visrus program for your home computer

Norton Anti-Virus by Symantec
Norton Anti-Virus is available for both PC and Macintosh computers, and is just one of your choices for anti-virus program.


Compression Utilities:

StuffIt Expander
Aladdin Systems' StuffIt Expander is a freeware program for the Macintosh that will expand many formats used for archiving and encoding Mac files. Web browsers can be set up to use StuffIt Expander as a "helper application" to process archived and encoded files which are downloaded from World Wide Web.
Macintosh Version No Windows Version
Nico Mak Computing, Inc.'s WinZip program is a shareware that allows the user point-and-click, drag-and-drop interface for viewing, running, extracting, adding, deleting, and testing files in archives. For more information on Winzip, or to download the latest version of this shareware program visit the WinZip site.
No Macintosh Version Windows Version


FTP (File Transfer Protocol):
FTP programs allow the user to transfer files between a remote server and his/her hard drive.

Fetch is a user-friendly Macintosh FTP program that allows the user to point-and-click, and/or drag and drop file transfers to and from any machine with an FTP server, over a TCP/IP network. Fetch is free to users affiliated with an educational institution or charitable non-profit organization. For more information on Fetch, visit Fetch's web site.
Macintosh Version No Windows Version
WS_FTP LE by Ipswitch
WS_FTP LE is a user-friendly IBM compatible FTP program that allows the user drag-and-drop capabilities to simplify and speed-up his/her file transfers between a remote server and his/her hard drive. WS_FTP LE is for a student, faculty, or staff member at an educational institution (K-12, junior college, college or university) and is not for commercial purpses. For more information on WS_FTP and WS_FTP LE, visit Ipswitch's web site.
No Macintosh Version Windows Version


Conferencing / Communication Programs:
There are many ways to communicate with others via the Internet. Internet Relay Chat (IRC), ICQ ("I Seek You"), and desktop video conferencing are some of the communication tools now available.

To learn more about IRC, from getting started to logging on and finding a channel to general IRC netiquette rules, please visit

Microsoft Netmeeting
Microsoft Netmeeting is a desktop video conferencing program which also allows you to chat, share computer programs, and even collaborate on a white board with one other person. Some UCF faculty are offering office hours via Netmeeting. (Note: To send a video signal to another person, you must have a video camera installed on your desktop computer.)
No Macintosh Version Windows Version
Ircle is a shareware Macintosh program to use IRC. For more information on Ircle visit Ircle's web site.
Macintosh Version No Windows Version
mIRC is a shareware Windows program to use IRC. For more information on mIRC visit an mIRC web site.
No Macintosh Version Windows Version



ScreenCam Player (Viewer)
Lotus' ScreenCam Unified Player allows the user to view any ScreenCam Movie on Windows machines.
No Macintosh Version Windows Version
